


Unless otherwise ordered, the support is paid through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU). 更多关于SDU的信息可以在 www.misdu.com. When support received by the SDU sufficiently identifies to whom the support should be paid, it must be forwarded to the recipient within two business days of receipt. 支助通常通过收入扣缴支付. 不用邮寄现金吗. The Saginaw County 法庭之友 Office allows support payments to be made by credit card. 如果你用信用卡支付, 您必须拨打1-888-604-7888(免费电话), 24小时)使用这项服务,而不是向法庭之友办事处收取支援费用. A 5% fee will be charged to your credit card account for using this method of payment.

有资格获得支持的人可以通过填写电子资金转账(EFT)申请将支票存入其银行账户. This form is available by contacting the IVR and under the "Forms" section of this website.



Payers are now able to make child support payments in cash at their local 7-Eleven stores, CVS药店和当地的家庭美元商店. 您将需要您的社会安全号码(SSN)或您的纳税人识别号码(TIN)和您的档案号码来获得PayNearMe PayCode. The payment may take 2-4 business days to post to your child support account. 请访问 misdu.com 了解更多信息.


无监护权的父母现在可以在CVS药店和沃尔玛商店使用速汇金支付方式以现金支付子女抚养费. This option will be available at CVS Pharmacy and Walmart stores only, and does not include CVS Pharmacy locations within Target or other retail stores, 或者在速汇金网上支付.com. 希望支付支持费用的支付者需要填写速汇金表格,并使用密歇根的接收代码14689.速汇金.或向付款地点的速汇金职员查询. 更多信息可以在MiSDU网站上找到.


付款窗口从 上午8:15到下午4:30. 唯一可在付款窗口支付的款项是有关执行费用和一次过付款的款项,或由法院之友雇员指示客户在付款窗口支付的款项. All other payments MUST be made through the Michigan State Disbursement Unit (MiSDU) 


If you have questions regarding your child support account, please call (989)790-5300 并连接到IVR(交互式语音应答系统). When connected to the IVR, you may transfer to a representative with the MiSDU. 特派团的这些代表将协助回答有关支付款项的问题, 签发支票, 以及其他与账户相关的问题. 如果您是收款人,您也可以要求将您的付款以电子方式存入您的帐户. 以要求更改地址或名称, 您必须提交书面申请,并附上显示您的地址更改或姓名更改的文件,如驾驶执照或结婚证.


Michigan law requires that the child support formula be used to determine child support amounts. 如果法官或裁判员以书面或记录的形式说明公式所要求的数额,并明确说明为什么使用公式是“不公正或不适当的”,则可以使用不同的数额." The formula, and the guideline computer program for calculating support, may be found at www.法院.密歇根.gov / scao.


密歇根州法律要求法院之友对所有赡养费案件收取赡养费支付人的费用. The current fee is $42 per year (charged twice a year a rate of $21.00). 


当过期赡养费达到相当于8周赡养费的数额时,法庭之友将开始执行诉讼. This may be done without waiting for a complaint or request for enforcement. If you believe that the support on your case is 8 weeks behind, 您可以填写执行请求(请参阅表格页面),并将其发送给法院之友的支持专家. Your Support Specialist will then determine if your case is eligible for enforcement. If the case is eligible, a settlement conference will be set which you will get notice of. 如果不符合条件, 您将收到您的支持专家的电话或信函,说明无法开始执行的原因.


The 法庭之友 has many options available to collect support, they include:

  • 即时收入扣缴: Support orders entered after December 31, 1990 must provide for immediate income withholding. 收入扣缴通知付款人的雇主或其他收入来源扣留支持并将其发送到国家支付单位. 除了当前的支持, the notice will also instruct that fees and an arrearage amount be withheld and sent. 如支付人的欠款增加,法庭之友可增加应收取的欠款金额.
  • 藐视法庭罪(出示因由)聆讯: 如果支持没有按时支付, 法庭之友或一方当事人可以通过提交请愿书和安排明因听证会来提起藐视法庭诉讼. 法庭之友办事处会先安排一名聆讯主任在可能的情况下处理案件,然后送交法官聆讯. If the payer fails to appear, a bench warrant will be issued for his/her arrest. 在听证会上或法庭上进行传讯, 支付人可能会被判入狱或劳役,通常被要求一次性付款.
  • 所得税截缴: 如果支持过期, 法庭之友必须代表符合联邦IV-D计划的案件的所得税拦截.
    在这种情况下, 支付赡养费的人的退税将被发送给法院之友,并根据法律要求适用于未成年子女的过期赡养费(欠密歇根州的赡养费必须首先支付)。.
  • Other Enforcement Remedies, Including Suspension of Drivers License: 还存在其他几种强制补救措施. If the payer's arrearage is sufficiently large, the payer's driver's license may be suspended. 除了, the 法庭之友 may be able to place a lien on the payer's real and personal property, 然后把那笔财产转为抚养费.
  • 医疗执行: Enforcement of health care insurance and uninsured health care expenses, 如您的支持订单中所述, will be done by a medical team at the Saginaw County 法庭之友 Office. This team is referred to as the Medical Enforcement Division. 你可以书面形式提出问题或要求,与执法科联络. 有关医疗强制执行的更多资料和表格,可在法院之友办事处二楼大堂或本网站的“表格”一栏内索取.



  • 支持各方发起的修改行动: A party may file his or her own petition to change a support order. 有关更改支持的请愿书和说明位于法院之友办事处二楼大堂和本网站的“表格”部分. 如果双方同意改变抚养令, the 法庭之友 will put the agreement in the form of an order to be signed by the judge. 不管修改过程如何启动, 如果不能就新的支持金额达成协议,各方将被要求提交财务信息并参加裁判听证会.
  • 支持的非追溯性修改: Once child support is ordered, it generally cannot be changed after it is due and payable. 如果你的财务状况发生了变化, you should immediately file a petition to change the support amount. The court may adjust the support amount back to the date that the petition was filed. 简单地将任何一方的财务状况的变化通知法院之友并不会改变法院的命令.


A support order is any order entered by the family division that requires the payment of support.

  • 孩子的抚养费
  • 配偶的支持
  • 医疗、牙科和其他保健费用
  • Payment of confinement expenses (these are the mother's costs related to the birth)
  • 支付托儿费用

You must contact the MiSDU and they will investigate the matter.

与法院之友联络,要求执行. You may also contact an attorney to start enforcement action.

不,除非你改变法庭命令. If you fail to get the order changed you may not receive credit for the payment.

No, 法庭之友必须将你在接受公共援助期间支付的子女抚养费交给州政府.

No. The law does not give anyone the authority to verify how child support payments are being spent.

是的. Parenting time and support are separate parts of a court order. 每一项都有特别的执行程序,在违反该部分命令时必须使用这些程序.

If a support payer leaves Michigan and support payments are not timely, 或者完全停止, 有法律保证支付. Each state now has a law called the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA)." UIFSA assists states in dealing with cases where a party or source of income is in another state. 它取代了其他州际儿童抚养法. Under UIFSA, only one state has the right to establish or modify support. This right can be given to another state only if certain conditions are met. 1997年6月1日,UIFSA在密歇根州生效. Some of the procedures available under UIFSA include interstate income withholding, registration of the order in the other state for enforcement, and registration of the order in the other state for modification.

赡养费的支付人没有资格在他们被监禁的时间内获得追溯性的子女抚养费豁免/抵免. 根据MCL 552.603(2),禁止追溯修改支持. 参见McLaughlin诉McLaughlin案, 255 Mich App 475 (2003) for an interpretation of this statute pertaining to incarceration. 如果客户被监禁, 他/她必须以书面通知法庭之友他们已被监禁,并在监禁期间申请零赡养费令. 在监禁期间未通知法庭之友将导致继续收取子女抚养费. 法庭之友将不会完成任何追溯修改对过去监禁日期的支持的请求.